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A windshield that has been cracked from impact with a stone or other small object

6 Reasons to Get Prompt Car Window Repair for Safety and Security

How long have you been driving with that little crack in your windshield? Did that chip in the glass start small enough to ignore? Now it’s larger, and you’re wondering how to stop the growing fracture. While we absolutely understand the urge to avoid spending money on unnecessary repairs or cosmetic fixes, we cannot emphasize enough that any damage to your windshield isn’t just unsightly – it’s outright dangerous!

At the bare minimum, a small chip in the glass of your windshield is a distraction, a flaw that weakens your windshield’s protection, and even a tiny bit of damage could quickly grow to the point that your car is undrivable. Need proof? Keep reading to learn six reasons that even small cracks require prompt car window repair.

When you’re ready to have your windshield repaired, come to us! Our team at Dutch Valley Auto Works is a fast and efficient group that can have your windshield back to peak performance so that you have a safer distraction-free drive down your favorite scenic road.

1. Small Damage Spreads

A crack in a windshield that reaches from the edge of the passenger side to the middle of the windshield

You know how many potholes and rough roads are on your usual commute. During a typical drive, your car’s windshield goes through just as much vibration and bouncing as you do. Each little shift and jolt during your drive can result in that spider crack or sliver of a chip becoming a major bit of damage.

2. Temperature Changes

When the season changes, or even when sunset hits and the chill of night settles in, your windshield will begin to expand or contract due to the changing temperatures. This movement is usually unnoticeable, but any damage to your windshield will quickly get worse with exposure to changing temperatures. Even the temperature changes from your car’s AC can cause stress on your windshield!

3. Accident Damage Will Be Worse

Your windshield doesn’t just protect you from the wind. It also does important safety work. On the off-chance that you are in an accident when your windshield is damaged, you could face more dangerous results from the incident. Car windshields are usually made from special safety glass, which will hold them together and prevent debris from entering your vehicle. If your windshield is already damaged, this ability to protect you will be lessened and could result in worse injury rates than a newly repaired windshield.

4. Cracks and Chips Distract

Our eyes are extremely sharp detectors of anything out of place and can easily be distracted by any kind of damage to your windshield. Your vehicle’s glass is meant to be essentially invisible, with things like windshield wipers designed to keep any dirt and water from obstructing your view.

Even a small chip can draw your focus, posing a danger to other vehicles on the road. If you are bringing your vehicle for inspection before winter hits or as spring grows, you should get repairs ASAP.

5. Police May Ticket You

While it’s common to be given a ticket for violating speed or other traffic laws, few people are aware that police can ticket you for a cracked windshield. Safety violations include anything that could cause your vehicle to be more dangerous for you to drive and other people to share the road with, which is exactly what a damaged windshield can cause.

6. Repairs are Cheaper Than the Alternatives

two car repair technicians use suction cups to carry and place a new windshield onto a car

Lastly, it is simply cheaper to simply repair your windshield sooner rather than later. There are many very small and cheap fixes that a body shop can perform on your damaged windshield that will ensure your vehicle stays safe and on the road. Something like liquid glass or other spot treatment can be cheaper than replacement, and it is definitely cheaper to get car repairs before getting a ticket – or worse, getting into an accident!

Come to Dutch Valley Auto Works for a Safer Driving Experience!

We hope that you now understand the intricacies of how your vehicle and your safety can depend on a clear and distraction-free windshield. Even the tiniest of chips and cracks will quickly grow and cause total glass failure if you aren’t careful! Don’t hesitate to call up your favorite mechanic at Dutch Valley Auto Works to get the car window repairs and fixes that you need for a safer driving experience!

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